Taking Up Space
Professional Experiences Leslie Stevens Professional Experiences Leslie Stevens

Taking Up Space

Working from home during a pandemic has allowed me to create a safe space from which to operate and engage on topics that often lead down emotional or defensive roads. I haven’t had to think about all of the pressures and perceptions and performances that go along with being a Black woman in a homogenous office.

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Finding Your Place at Work
Professional Experiences Leslie Stevens Professional Experiences Leslie Stevens

Finding Your Place at Work

As I’ve begun to coach and support more Black and Brown people at my place of work, I hear that resounding echo of “these are not my people.” “They don’t value the same things I do.” “I’m made to feel that my way of being and doing is not welcome.” “I’m made to feel that I do not belong.” “I’m made to feel grateful that I even have a chance to stand in the room, not to mention a seat at the table.”

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