Cultivating Imagination

“An invitation to acknowledge and extend beyond the limitations of our current reality by envisioning a future that centers our wishes, healing, and dreams.” 

- Natasha Marin. Black Imagination

Imagination focuses on healing and restoration by allowing us to direct creative energies toward possibility. It is the creation of tools, worlds, and ways of being in the absence of direct or explicit resources. Imagination encompasses not just mental play, but concurrent auditory, tactile, olfaction, and motoric modalities.

4 Pillar of Imagination

Imagination rewires our mind and body around possibility and new pathways. It frees us from the limitation of the status quo so that we have the capacity and support to bring new worlds into being.

Afrofuturism applies these four imaginative pillars to create spaces for Black empowerment and agency by cultivating new worlds of healing and health for Black people. Spanning various genres and mediums, Afrotuturism develops and shares collective visions through imagination for Black lives beyond the violence and oppression of the present.

We likely already activate our imagination in daily circumstances, especially for those who are overthinkers and worriers. We explore possibilities that are challenging and negative for the sake of creating ease and control in the present. How can we unblock the parts of our imagination power that allow us to explore abundant and joyful possibilities?

Blockers and Barriers

Creating new worlds is not easy work. Most of our daily life is governed by systems of belief that discourage imagination and intuition.

Many aspects of our culture and society focus our energy and time on maintaining systems of sameness, individualism, fear, and control for the benefit of others. Imagination offers a way of being beyond those constraints. We must acknowledge what gets in our way so that we can harness the power of our imagination and intuition.

Coaching can help us clarify what gets in the way of activating our internal power sources and unlock the next steps in our vision. Here are 3 of the common things that interrupt our imagination.

Coaching Cultivates Imagination

As a coach, I look for ways to support clients as they learn to access imagination to bring their vision for impact to life. Connect today to learn more about how coaching can help you unlock your imaginative power


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